Being prepared. One of the concerns being brought up in the peak oil debate is that everything that has fuel involved will increase hugely in price. So be it petroleum used to make plastic and other packaging, transporting raw product from one warehouse to another and finally to the store and lastly the petrol we use in our own cars. Who knows what the future will bring?
And because we never know what the future will bring it pays to be prepared. Peak Oil may prove to be a lot of unnecessary hype but it may not. I may be employed forever or I may not, I may lead a financially healthy life, or I may not and so there are several reasons to be prepared.
Sustainability is just one part of being prepared. Fruit and veges grown at home will be of huge benefit to my grocery spend. On top of that our fruit and veges will be chemical free so that's better for our health. And the feel good benefits of passing this produce along to friends and family will be priceless.
There are of course many other ways to be prepared for a future which may be financially difficult. Every time I fill up my tank with gas I add $10 to a prepaid petrol station gift card. Current balance is $40 and growing. Same for my grocery fund. Each week Mum and I contribute to our Christmas club account to be used for a huge shop pre Christmas. That will stock the pantry and freezers to overflowing. With the increase in GST hitting in October we will probably beat the price rise and shop in September. And I have a separate supermarket gift card that can be used with benefits after 1 November or at any stage prior to that if required.
Other items I stockpile include a 3-6 month supply of cleaning and personal care items. I am also growing a healthy supply of non perishable pantry items or those with a long shelf life such as cereal, tinned products, baking ingredients.
Clothing for the lads brought on special is also helpful. Mr8 has thermal singlets that will last him both this winter and next. Also more cotton singlets, school uniforms and other clothes. And of course Mr6 has Mr8's hand me downs so he is well sorted.
Lastly I have a good surplus of school stationary. In January in anticipation of future unemployment I almost doubled the stationary required for the lads back to school. Only went $10 over budget as I took advantage of the amazing specials in January. So during the year when the boys need extras I have them on hand at the special prices - often up to 75% cheaper than mid year prices. Any extra I can use for the next school year and then I can start the stockpile again taking advantage of the specials.
The thing with all this stockpiling is that every purchase I make is on special. Often up to half price for non grocery items and 30% off for items from the supermarket. It's money I don't even miss and every item is something that will be extremely useful in times of hardship or just hard times.
🎞️ Stream Ready Player One Frei
📽️ 123Films!Schauen Ready Player One On-line For Frei (2018) Stream Ganzer
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[image: Schauen Ready Player One On-line Streaming]
Ready Player One ...
5 years ago