Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another day another dollar

Well actually that should read another day another $3 as that is how much I had to put into my tin today. I found - yes actually found - $2 in my wallet! What a score. No idea why I left it there but figured the tin was the best place for it. Then to top that one off I had $1 left when I organised the boys sasuage sizzle money for tomorrow. I am letting them get a sasuage and a cookie each when they are usually only allowed one or the other. My thinking is that these next 2 weeks need to be as easy as possible for me so that takes care of one of tomorrows jobs. Have some mini muffins and 2 pieces of fruit each in their lunchboxes and ready for the day tomorrow.

Actually I am amazed at how well organised I have been so far. Ok so it's only day 2 of 12 but humour me for a moment. So far I have almost totally organised the lunchboxes the night before they are needed. I have the food and dishes out on the bench for breakfast tomorrow morning and the school uniform will come straight off the airer in the morning and onto the lads backs saving me the hassle of folding it and putting it away. So so much easier in the mornings. Fingers crossed I can keep it up.

Again I have the washing hanging all over the house. There are clothes in various states of dry all over the place. The boys pyjama tops and hoodies hang perfectly on the corners of the dining room chairs - they are almost but not quite dry when I put them there so no problems with the wood. The doors are covered with bedding and towels and the wet stuff is on the airer under the heatpump. Man I love my heatpump.

I got my first "winter" power bill today. I will confess I was a little concerned that it would be a whopper. I have just come off a fixed price contract and was scared that the new prices would be horrific. Add to that the fact the heatpump has been running 24/7 for about 10 days due to cold rainy weather. I am pleased to say the bill was $145.38 less 12% if I pay it on time which of course I will. It's actually lower than last year by about $20 but I'm guessing that's because the first couple of weeks of the billing cycle were the warmest and driest on record for several years. Will be interesting to see how things go over the whole of winter. Shame I can't stock up on electricity before the new ETS and GST price rises get a hold of it. Would be great to toss the winter worth of money in and save me some $$$$ in the process.


  1. you might be able to stock up on power Choccy, check out Powershop. You can prepurchase electricity.

  2. yeah I can't figure that out though. I had a look today at work and it's changed from last time I looked. There used to be a lot of choices and now I could only find 2. What am I doing wrong?
