Yesterday I finally got sorted starting to do the final bits and pieces to claim back my 33% on school fees and other donations. Now I have had this paperwork for almost 2 months so should have done this a long time ago. So what was stopping me?
Basically I did not want to look stupid! Yeah great reason to avoid doing the paperwork that would give me back approx $110. What happened was I gathered up all the receipts for the last 12 months worth of fees and could not make head nor tail of them. There were things missing, things counted twice and man it was a mess. But I did not want to tell them I couldn't make sense of their statement system so procrastinated instead.
Well yesterday I discovered I am going to have to spend about $500 on my car to see me through the next wee while. I had a dead battery, need a new tyre, a small $200ish repair job and it also needs an oil change. The battery was a bit of a shock but the others I have known about for a couple of months. I have decided to bite the bullet and get all jobs done while I am still employed.
So back to the receipt problem. I decided I could email the school and ask for a statement which outlines only the fees paid over the past 12 months not stationary, outings etc. Yay for me cos it came through today and finally I have done the paperwork. My printer is having a hissy fit with my laptop now that it's back so will have to wait until work tomorrow so that I can print out the statement and send it all off but hopefully in just a few weeks I can report free money in the bank.
Lastly there's the other free money I am collecting. I currently have enough Smile City points to claim a $30 cheque, Valued Opinions I am only $1.30 short of a $30 Farmers voucher, enough Airpoints for me to travel to Brisbane (but not back yet) and lastly enough Flybuys points to get the boys and I a 2 day 2 world pass for Dreamworld and Whitewater World. All of that is free! And my earnings from this blog are at about $65 also. It's amazing how much free money you can collect if you put your mind to it.
🎞️ Stream Ready Player One Frei
📽️ 123Films!Schauen Ready Player One On-line For Frei (2018) Stream Ganzer
Film 💣
[image: Schauen Ready Player One On-line Streaming]
Ready Player One ...
5 years ago
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