Well it's done. At work I printed off the last account statements and have sent my return into the IRD. Fingers crossed they process it quicker than I sent it. I think from memory it takes about 4 weeks
On the money saving front today I stopped at the dairy closer to work and brought milk as it is 40 cents cheaper. Not much of a saving I know but every cent counts. I was stunned at the supermarket on Saturday to discover that the cheapest milk they had was $3.19 which is 69 cents dearer than at the dairy. What's that all about?
It's now been 4 days of having the washing hanging on the airer under the heat pump. Man I am sick of the winter weather already. Only the threat of a whopping great power bill is stopping me from tossing stuff in the clothes dryer. At this time of the year it's important to time the washing well so that there is always a load hanging under the heater. Otherwise I end up needing to do 2 loads and man that really makes the house look like a Chinese laundry.
I've been to physio again today for my shoulder. Still struggling to do even half days at work due to the pain. If only I had an office job where you sit and type all day. Just resting my elbow on the desk takes away the weight from my shoulder and makes things better. Physio really hurt today. Shoulder feels all bruised from Mondays session and then he dug into the same spot again. Ouch! Thank goodness the physio is free - I wouldn't pay to get hurt this much. Here's hoping that it's not so bad when I go back on Friday or I may need tissues for the tears.
🎞️ Stream Ready Player One Frei
📽️ 123Films!Schauen Ready Player One On-line For Frei (2018) Stream Ganzer
Film 💣
[image: Schauen Ready Player One On-line Streaming]
Ready Player One ...
5 years ago
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