Saturday, June 19, 2010

A money saving day

Today we have spent no money at all. That's cool as I still have $10 of my sanity money left in my wallet for the rest of the week. This doesn't often happen.

Not only have we not spent but we have saved as well. The car has not moved from the driveway so the fuel will last a day longer, we got out into the garden between showers and filled up the work green waste bin saving a trip to the dump. I also baked scrolls for lunch making the most of ingredients we had in the pantry and fridge and there are enough scrolls left for tomorrow and Tuesdays lunch. I've rummaged around in the chest freezer and found enough muffins to add to lunch boxes for the week also. Will probably need to bake about Wednesday. It is worth noting though that Nutella scrolls do not taste very good so we will give them a miss next time. Oh well you live and learn and we only made 4 of those.

The boys have had a fun home day playing with Lego, drawing and creating and watching a dvd from our collection. Mr6 stayed in his pyjamas all day (his choice - he said he "couldn't see the point of getting dressed if he was staying home) so that saves on washing as well.

So all in all a really nice and relaxing day at our house. I love these kind of home days. The ones when we are not home because there is nothing else to do but because we choose to stay put for the day. They are the best.


  1. shame about the nuttella scrolls chocky. I only ever eat it straight of a spoon from the jar. It is an item not often allowed through our front door. Unless I sneak it in under the cover of darkness in an invisible cloak.

  2. It's the first time I have ever brought it. Have to say I don't get the whole chocolate on bread deal but have avoided the temptation to take to the container with a spoon. Even the kids said the scrolls with the Nutella are yuk. Won't make that mistake again.
