Thursday, June 17, 2010

The raised vegetable garden is prepared

Yay I have succeeded in meeting the mini goal I set myself earlier in the week. This is a big deal for me as I have felt a little aimless lately. The result of this is that not a lot has been achieved around this place over the last month or two. Today I can proudly say I have completed a task which is a great thing as I have written myself a to do list for the weekend.

One thing I did discover however is that 1 cubic metre of soil is rather a lot for a single Mum to shift. I awoke with enthusiasm this morning quite early which is really unlike me and was chomping at the bit for the sky to let me have enough light to get things done. The boys were fed and ready for school super early as they too were keen to get things done.

So at 8am and with it being a very generous 1 degree outside we got started before heading to school. About six wheel barrow loads were done before school and as you can imagine a rather messy me just dropped the lads at the gate and headed back to it. By about 9.45 am the job was completed and the two gardens full with lovely rich composty stuff and a small pile for garden three when it is built. I managed to get the trailer back by 10am which was at least an hour earlier than I had expected.

While still dirty I headed back to the garden after dropping off the trailer and transplanted 4 raspberry bushes, 1 blueberry bush and 6 strawberry plants to 1 garden and 4 broccoli seedlings to the other one. A job on my weekend list is to purchase 12 (or 18 budget permitting) strawberry plants to fill up the rest of the berry patch. That should see us eating fresh juicy berries over the summer.

After all that I was exhausted. I'm fairly certain I will have aches in parts of my body that I didn't know existed when I wake up tomorrow. Not to mention the fact that I will no doubt sleep extremely well tonight. Still it's all worth is as it looks fantastic and I feel great for having achieved something at last.

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