Saturday, July 31, 2010

Date night for Mr6

Last night Mr6 had his first ever date night. My Mum picked him up about 4pm and off they went. He had chosen Pizza Hut for tea so they picked up my Dad and first stop was a "beer" at the pub. Mr6 being the wee fuss pot that he is had a water. Mum didn't get him a bag of chips as they were headed for dinner but 2 of the locals at the pub asked the bar manager (who is a friend of mine) who he was and then brought him a bag each.

Pizza was super cool and it sounds as though he ate so much desert he should have popped. And then he spent the night at Nana's all by himself which is something he has never done before. They have plenty of nights away from home coming from a single parent family but never without each other for company.

Mr8 and I snuggled in bed and watched America's Funniest Home Videos and then the start of the Saturday night family movie. This morning once we get off our lazy butts we are going out for breakfast.

So a really nice weekend. It's very quiet in this house with only one lad. And Mr8 loves the computer so without having to share it he had a great time. I was left to entertain myself.

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